Earlier, we learned how to use namespaces.
Let's learn how to use namespaces shortly. Use the use keyword.
use namespace\class as short name;
For example, if you shorten \hello\hello, the namespace you used earlier to hh,
use \hello\hello as hh;
Let's see if it works by example.
<?php namespace hello; class hello { function hello() { return 'first hello class.'; } } namespace hello2; class hello { function hello() { return 'second hello class.'; } } use \hello\hello as hh; use \hello2\hello as hh2; $helloFirst = new hh; echo $helloFirst->hello(); echo '<br>'; $helloSecond = new hh2; echo $helloSecond->hello(); ?>
If you use this once, you can save a little bit later.
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